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Is the Key to the IRS Scandal Hiding in Russia? – Part 1


snow 1As the IRS targeting scandal continues to unfold or, not unfold due to what I believe to be the willful obstruction of the house Ways and Means committee investigation by the Obama regime, Eric Holder’s Department of Injustice and most importantly, by Lois Lerner herself, the complete lack of credibility surrounding lost evidence is something which only the mainstream media seems able to ignore.

Emails. 2 years worth of lost emails. It’s just too incredible to be believed that a computer hard drive crash, just ten days after first being asked about those emails wiped them out for all time. Further, it is implausible to be asked to believe that six other IRS executives had THEIR hard drives crash in concert with the Lerner hard drive.

In this day and age, when cyber fingerprints can be lifted from even the most savagely destroyed hard drive and information recovered by experts in the private sector not to mention the public sector, such as the FBI, it is beyond even the pale to be told that hard drives from the IRS and top executives at the IRS at that, could not be forensically brought back to life and the data recovered.

When American citizens, fearing that day when the IRS comes knocking are required to have a full seven years of their lives ready to turn over to that very entity of the government, the entity that can ruin their futures, it is incomprehensible that the IRS itself is only required to keep THEIR data for a brief, fleeting six months and even MORE incomprehensible that the IRS would be using easy to destroy TAPE as their back up system.

Furthermore, it absolutely flies in the face of mere coincidence that, given the timing of the supposed hard drive crashes of the very six executives of the IRS AND that of Lois Lerner’s hard drive, just days after first being asked about such a specific time period as 2009-2011 and ONLY that period of emails, from ALL SIX subjects were lost for all time, that the very company contracted to back up and SAVE their emails, SonaSoft, had THEIR contract CANCELLED by the IRS.

To be expected to believe this line of crap is seriously insane.

Those emails exist….

They are whole and somebody has them.snow 2

Those with whom Lois Lerner and the other six were corresponding via email have them unless we find out that their hard drives also crashed and that somehow, only those emails from 2009-2011 vanished before THEIR hard drives, like Lerner’s and the others were ‘recycled’ into the scrap heaps of scandalous history, they exist and can be found.

While there are a myriad of ways those ‘gone for all time’ emails COULD be recovered, read and possibly entered into evidence regarding the IRS targeting scandal…I have a suspicion there is someone else out there who could produce them for ALL of us to read and should my suspicion prove to be fact, the course of the Obama regime will be irrevocably altered and many, MANY minds will be changed.

Who could possibly have them? Who COULD distribute them widely and stunningly?

SNOW 3Is the key to the IRS scandal hiding in Russia?

Ed Snowden.

Famous or infamous…hero or zero…patriot or traitor…Ed Snowden, as the result of his hacker capability and downloading prowess could very well have the goods on the IRS…Lois Lerner and Barack Hussein Obama regarding the use of the most feared strong arm wing of government in any president’s administration, the IRS, and its use as a weapon against those who would stand against the regime.

Up to now, the focus, as it relates to Ed Snowden has been on the NSA and their spying on Americans and foreign heads of state but should we believe that was Snowden’s ONLY concern?

I submit we should not.

Snowden’s drive was to expose government corruption and government’s abuses of power and in THAT respect, it could well be folly to assume he never took a look, a long cyber look at the IRS.

The IRS is THE most fear governmental agency in America and citizens from both side of the political aisle dread the day when the IRS audits them. Add to that the fact that under Obama, the IRS has been given the obtuse, overbearing authority to enforce Obamacare, and assess harsh penalties against any and all who would defy the socialist mandate.

If you can think of any government agency more rife with the ability to abuse its power than the IRS let me know as I can’t for the life of me, think of one and while the NSA has been clearly abusing American’s right to privacy, the IRS, as an agent of enforcement over the healthcare decisions of We the People while already feared by most Americans should have been and most likely was on Snowden’s radar.SNOW 4

After a two year stint working for the CIA in Geneva Switzerland where he was responsible for maintaining computer network security, Ed Snowden took a position with the NSA in 2009 as a contractor for Dell, where he managed computer systems, not only for differing corporations but for multiple government agencies as well.

The job he left in May of 2013 when he fled the United States was for Booz Allen Hamilton, a position he had only held for three months where he was again stationed inside the NSA.

While most seem to believe that Ed Snowden was copying files only while working for Booz Allen Hamilton…it seems a stretch to discount any such activity before those last three months of employment and given his various positions of employment and the fact that he argued for, and successful so , the ability to use thumb drives (his preferred method of copying and making off with secured files) in a secure environment during his time with the NSA back in 2009…It would stand to reason that he was collecting such information well before his days at Booz Allen Hamilton.

And what was SNOW 5the time period of Lois Lerner’s and 6 OTHER IRS executives mysteriously missing emails?

2009 to 2011.

Given the speculation that Snowden may have gained access to the now missing IRS emails, we have two possible scenarios to consider.

First is that Lerner and the six other IRS executives whose emails from 2009-2011 have vanished intentionally lost them, had their hard drives scrapped and buried the evidence as many now believe including the house Ways and Means committee and the house Oversight Committee as per their investigations.

However, there is another scenario to be considered.

That being the possibility that Ed Snowden copied those email files and kept them in his collection and then HE crashed those computers himself.snow 6

Could he have done that? Did Ed Snowden have that capability?

Yes…Ed Snowden, described as a genius working with geniuses and as someone who while at the CIA instructed government entities how to prevent Chinese hackers from gaining access to sensitive systems and data most clearly had the ability to create viruses designed to crash specific hard drives without leaving tell-tale cyber fingerprints and deliver them into those computers via the email systems themselves or by other means.

This speculative scenario would go a long way toward explaining why, as that smug little prick John Koskinen, now the head of the IRS has testified, it was Lois Lerner herself who reported the crash of her computer hard drive back in 2011 however, it does nothing to explain who was directing the targeting of Conservative groups.

It does however, open a third door of speculative possibility.

Because those emails are, for the time being, missing, we don’t know with whom Lerner was in contact nor do we know the depths to which she would sink in the targeting scandal.

My friend and RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS radio partner, Diane Sori recently wrote of her theory that Lerner and the IRS are, in fact, deeply connected to providing tax exempt status to groups collecting money for and distributing it to foreign terrorist organizations as  being one of the reasons Lerner doesn’t want those emails found and you can read that article by clicking here but…

SNOW 7IF…and for now I must use ‘if’ as it is speculation…IF Snowden has those emails from Lois Lerner and the other six IRS executives stored on a thumb drive in his possession, did he came across them by accident while taking a peek at the IRS or…did he see a red flag somewhere else that drew him to look directly AT Lois Lerner’s emails?

Let’s go back to what most people believe was Ed Snowden’s primary concern…the NSA. It could VERY well be that Snowden, IF he has those missing emails, discovered some connection between Lois Lerner and the NSA…in as much as could Lerner have been in contact WITH the NSA to have THAT agency spy on the heads of various Conservative groups she was stonewalling in their quest for tax exempt status  thus compelling him to search for corruption AT the IRS?

For now, Snowden is content with releasing bits and pieces of sensitive data as he sees fit via author Glenn Greenwald who is about to release, with Ed Snowden’s blessing, the complete list of all Americans upon whom the NSA was spying and I contend that should the names of those at the top of the Conservative groups targeted by the IRS appear on that list…we will be eminently closer to knowing the depths of depravity and tyrannical nature of our government and specifically of the Obama regime than ever before.

Bring on that list Mr. Greenwald…bring it on!


Today…Wednesday June 25th  on RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS…rsp plug

Craig and Diane will discuss the APPALLING situation on our southern border…the LATEST from Iraq and the NEWEST INFORMATION regarding the IRS scandal!!!

ALWAYS on TOP of the news and ALWAYS irritating the Obama regime!!!



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